Saturday, November 12, 2011

How can I get fit in a month?

Well, since you will be climbing a mountain, improving your cardiovascular health will be of utmost importance. So you should try doing some long distance running( 30 - 45 minutes daily ). Another great workout you can do to prepare for mountain climbing is body weight squats. Here is what you do, do as many body weight squats as you can in 10 seconds then rest for 10 seconds, and repeat for a few minutes. Your legs will be on fire! :) Full body weight squats too, not those silly half squats. You can run or do some form of cardio 3 - 5 times a week and the body weight squat exercise you could do every other day. Lunges are great too! I would try to incorporate some upper body body weight exercises as well, such as push ups, crunches, bicycle to improve your core. Do a variety of these for a month, and you will be in much better shape and ready to tackle the mountain! Good luck my friend! :)

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