Thursday, November 10, 2011

Do you believe that women only earn $0.78 for every dollar that men earn?

It's a matter of the industry one gets into. She works for Verizon in the installation department. Oh, oops, wasn't that a man's job? I don't care. That's why I home-schooled my daughters. I didn't want them picking up the asinine myths that float around public schools. Instead, my daughters learned that if they want to do it and are willing to work, they should try to do it. In other words, the ism isn't in the pay but in the career choices. Yes, the "underpaid" females bear some responsibility for shying away from ditch digging, pole climbing, math learning, and gunk mucking. My oldest sister is one of the first female engineers for Verizon because she spent her spare time at the local university earning her M.S. in engineering. I know that wasn't easy, but she's getting paid for her efforts now.

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